Forever A Traveler
Affiliated Links
This website contains affiliated links. Links that direct you to booking sites for hotels, flights, tours, or private cars/shuttles will most likely be an affiliated links. Affiliated links mean that if you click and purchase something through the link, the booking platform will share their commission with us. The cost to you is the same whether you directly go to that link or you find the link through us. There is NO additional cost to you. If you like supporting local small businesses, think of us as global small businesses, operated by individuals. Booking platforms earn commissions for their bookings - they are only sharing part of their commission with us when you arrive at their booking platform through our site.
For hotel recommendations, please visit this page to learn how we make hotel recommendations. However, not all external links to our website are affiliated links. For the Things to Do webpages on all destination, we strive to link directly to the main organization's site, unless tickets are only sold through a third party. Links to guided tours are affiliated links.
Forever A Traveler is committed to creating a practical guide to any destination around the globe that is of quality and reliable, as such, earning a commission simply allows us to make those quality contents possible.